Topsider's YouTube Prefab Home Assembly Animation
Topsider Homes' latest YouTube video animation shows how fast and simple it is to assemble its low-maintenance, hurricane-resistant homes built on piers, stilts or pilings for maximum storm safety.
Whether a small getaway cottage or a large primary home, from the foundation to the roof, Topsider's high-quality precision-made building components fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. This time-tested building-system ensures fast and efficient home construction.

Topsider Homes' Post & Beam panelized building system makes building a high-quality hurricane-resistant stilt or piling prefab home
simple and easy - even in the most remote locations where limited skilled labor is available..
Click HERE to view our newest YouTube video. This prefab home assembly animation shows the step-by-step sequence for building a home on short piers, stilts or pilings.